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4 places in "Desert"

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  • Al Jassasiya Rock Carvings

    Al Jassasiya Rock Carvings

    Al Jassasiya Rock Carvings
    Al Jassasiya Rock Carvings consist of numerous rock-carvings on a number of rocky ridges in the North-East of Qatar that…
  • Singing Sand Dunes Qatar

    Singing Sand Dunes Qatar

    Singing Sand Dunes, Qatar
    Singing Sand Dunes Qatar are an approximately 100 square km area with about 60 meter high sand dunes which create a magical…
  • Clay Quarry Umm Bab

    Clay Quarry Umm Bab

    Umm Bab
    Why go? What to see and do? Background facts Some history The clay quarry near Umm Bab is in use…
  • Musfur Sinkhole Qatar

    Musfur Sinkhole Qatar

    Mukaynis, Qatar
    Why go? Where is it? What to see? What to do? What to bring? History Musfur Sinkhole is the largest…